Monday December 6th: Forgive-Heal-Repeat
December 6, 2021
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December 7, 2021

Tuesday December 7th: Lost, but not Forgotten

“…And if he finds it, truly I say to you, he rejoices”

Matthew 18:12-14

Have you ever gotten physically lost, or lost a child for a split moment? If you have, can you recall the emotions surrounding the event, the feeling in your tummy, the pounding of your heart, the swells of anxiety manifesting in so many ways? It is certainly not the best of feelings. We often do not realise the security, calm and wellbeing we experience most of the time, until we are lost.
Knowing that you are lost is one thing but imagine being lost and not having a clue that you are lost! In the era in which we live, it is super easy to stray and get lost in worldliness. However, reflecting on the Gospel today, it comforts me to know that when I lose my way in life God has not forgotten me and is watching out for me. He is always awaiting my return and rejoices.

Photo by Daniel Jensen on Unsplash