3rd Sunday of Advent (C)
December 7, 2021
Dream about the Church we are called to be
December 7, 2021

Moving forward: Learning from the Book of Daniel

By Hedy Tenia

The Billings Ovulation Method® (BOM) advocates a natural fertility method of regulating or managing the couple’s ability to conceive a child.

The BOM is about natural fertility. How can fertility be natural? One way fertility can be natural is by understanding the natural changes a woman’s body goes through during her life cycle. Her periods of fertility, when she is the most fertile in line with her menstrual cycle, and when she is not.

The BOM is about natural intimacy. Intimacy can be natural when there is understanding that closeness can come through abstinence when planning a family.

Intimacy can be natural when there are no artificial barriers to physical intimacy within marriage such as condoms and pills.

Some may ask how can you learn from the Book of Daniel in the Bible with a method that speaks of fertility? The answer is how can you not, when the Book of Daniel has so many lessons that applies when using the BOM.

Some of these lessons are:

  • The BOM requires a high level of faithfulness and trust between couples especially when the female is in her fertile period and abstinence may be required. Faithfulness and trust in God are shown by Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego (Dn 1:8–17).
  • The BOM is a method that is challenging for many as it requires the letting go of the past. Past ways of doing things and the need to learn new ways. The Book of Daniel shows us the blindness of a generation, their failure to learn from the past, and their unwillingness to change. (Dn 5:17–23)
  • The BOM is about natural love and natural commitment and at times those close to you (friends and family) may deliberately throw doubt on the use of the Method which may lead to unpleasantness within the relationship. The Book of Daniel brings the understanding that treachery can affect all and there can be negative consequences. (Dn 5:2–25)
  • The BOM is a method that can bring incredible joy even with significant challenges when couples are trying to conceive, and this sincere joy can also come from other persons. (Dn 6:10–24)

The Billings Ovulation Method® is a method based on recognising that challenges can be overcome through understanding which can lead couples to have an even better relationship with each other.

Throughout the Book of Daniel, the challenges that are faced and overcome by those who believe are shown.

The Billings Ovulation Method® and the teachings of the Book of Daniel cannot be easily dismissed. Yet, as with most things in life it depends on the willingness of individuals to be open, to believe, to trust, to get the correct help needed, and to discern and understand God’s plan.

So read and meditate on the Book of Daniel and reach out to us at the Billings Ovulation Method Association who know about the Method and can help.


Contact BOMA-TT: 384-1659,

email: billingstt@gmail.com,

website: www.billingstt.com