The Miracle of the Loaves
Matthew 15:29-37
This seemingly simple act in today’s gospel of ensuring the crowd is fed provides so much insight into Christian living:
Jesus reminds us to be caring and compassionate towards our fellow man. Despite probably being tired and hungry Himself, He did not want to send the people off hungry.
Whatever little we have is more than enough for Jesus. The disciples only had 7 loaves and a few small fish and at the end had 7 baskets of leftovers. Share and give what we have and trust that God takes care of His people.
After giving thanks, Jesus gave it to the disciples to distribute, reminding us that Jesus needs us to do His work here on earth.
Lord, I pray that through my time, talent, and treasure, I help do your good work here on earth, not only during this Advent Season but every day.
Photo by Garreth Paul on Unsplash