2nd Sunday of Advent (C)
November 30, 2021
Bilingual programme provides model for education
November 30, 2021

Jesus Explosion XIX – ‘Preach the Word’

From the Jesus Explosion Committee

Jesus Explosion XIX is set for Sunday, December 12, coinciding with the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe.

This year, the event will be hosted at Our Lady of Mount Carmel RC Church, New Grant and is a must for those seeking renewal and revitalisation of their faith.

Jesus Explosion has been a very important event in the calendar of many Catholics and Christians since its launch in 2003.

Evangelistic in its purpose and intent, JE, as it is familiarly called, has brought many to a deeper conviction of the Word of God and to the salvific message of Jesus Christ.

This year’s theme is taken from 2 Timothy 4:2 Preach the Word…in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage.

The world is facing major challenges with the Covid-19 pandemic, threats of war over Taiwan and Ukraine, migrant crises in Europe and widespread protests over vaccine mandates and Covid restrictions.

The pandemic, with its many variants, has caused the lockdown of businesses and churches, taken millions of lives globally and continues to ravage the nations of the world with no end in sight. Life as we knew it, has been radically altered.

We in this nation are not immune to the challenges and there is a real sense of fear and hopelessness.

In the midst of these manifold crises, what has Jesus to say to us? He speaks to us through His Word. “In the world you will have trouble, but be brave, I have conquered the world” (Jn 16:33).

Join us at Jesus Explosion to hear clearly the Word of God that offers hope “for such a time as this”.

Fr Joseph Edattu VC from the Divine Retreat Center in the United Kingdom, and a deeply anointed preacher with a worldwide following is the foreign speaker for the conference. We look forward to hearing his message for Trinidad and Tobago in such a time as this.

Frs Ian Taylor (Spiritual Director of Jesus Explosion), Godfrey Stoute and Trevor Nathasingh comprise the battery of local dynamic speakers who are all well-known preachers of the Word of God with power and participants can expect healing, deliverance, and breakthrough in their situations.

The Apostolic Nuncio Archbishop Fortunatus Nwachukwu will give the opening address.

The structure of this year’s event follows last year’s ‘hybrid experience’ with a mixture of pre-recorded and face-to-face presentations. The Conference aims to reach as many as possible, livestreaming via Instagram jesusexplosion_tt, Facebook and YouTube channels both with the same name ‘Jesus Explosion Trinidad and Tobago’ and will remain available for future viewing.

The virtual conference is free. However, should you wish to donate to cover our costs, please send to Jesus Explosion, Republic Bank account #870801528201.

See you at Jesus Explosion XIX and invite all your contacts to this life-changing conference.

Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.