Friday November 26th: In season and out of season
November 26, 2021
Synod 2021-2023: “Everything must be heard”
November 27, 2021

Saturday November 27th: Freedom in Christ

Jesus, our Lord and Master, offers us true freedom.

Luke 21:34-36

Is there anything holding you back from the joy and freedom of the Lord? God wants our hearts for him and for his kingdom of peace, joy, and righteousness (Romans 14:17). But our hearts can be weighed down by many different things. Jesus, our Lord and Master, offers us true freedom – freedom from the power of sin and wasted life, and freedom from our unruly desires and disordered passions – such as making food, drink or anything else our master rather than our servant.
Jesus wants our hearts to be ruled by one thing only – his love and truth which enables us to choose whatever is good and to reject whatever is evil and harmful for us. The Lord wants us to cast our anxieties on him and to ask for his guidance and help.
Lord Jesus, rouse my spirit to the truth that this world is passing away. Give me a lively faith, a joyful hope, and a fervent love to see you face to face when you return in glory.
Don Schwager.