Monday November 22nd: Jesus looks
November 22, 2021
Wednesday November 24th: That path may also lead us to the cross.
November 24, 2021

Tuesday November 23rd: Seek first His kingdom

We need to recognize the signs of God’s judgment, mercy, and grace to save us.

Luke 21: 5-11

Sometimes we don’t recognize the moral crisis and spiritual conflict of the age in which we live, until something “shakes us up” to the reality of this present condition.
God reminds us that a future judgment and outcome awaits every individual who has lived on this earth. The reward for doing what is right and pleasing to God and the penalty for sinful rebellion and rejection of God are not always experienced in this present life – but they are sure to come in the day of final judgment.

God intends our anticipation of his final judgment to be a powerful deterrent to unfaithfulness and wrongdoing. God extends grace and mercy to all who will heed his call and his warning. Do not pass up, even for one day, God’s invitation of grace and mercy to seek first his kingdom of righteousness and peace.
Lord, help me to seek your kingdom first and to reject whatever would hinder me from pursuing your way of peace, righteousness, and holiness.
(Don Schwager)