“If you too had only recognized on this day the way to peace!”
Luke 19:41-44
Have you ever, realised that your keys have just “gone missing”? I have and after frantically turning the house upside-down, I have found them eventually, almost in plain sight, to my annoyance.
So, it is with today’s reading. Jesus is calling us to pay attention to the signs of these times. For, we are living in a world where many do not know what “makes for peace.” The irony is that the answer seems to be hidden in plain sight. While his disciples were oblivious about the persecutions they would have to endure for the glory of the Kingdom, Jesus knew.
Today, millions of Christians are still being persecuted for their faith, some to the point of martyrdom. We are being hemmed in on every side by ideologies that contradict and even silence Jesus’ teachings. Jesus reminds us peace is not the absence of persecution but the fruits of those who bear witness to Him despite it.
Dear Jesus, Prince of Peace, help us to be instruments of peace to this world that desperately needs you.