Sunday November 14th: From nature we take heed
November 14, 2021
Religious leaders address poverty
November 15, 2021

November 15th: Keeping Focus Monday

“The people walking in front rebuked him, telling him to be silent…”

Luke 18: 35-43

It is so easy to lose sight of someone else’s needs when working on your own salvation. Have you ever found yourself in church showing your disgust, by words or actions, at the person with a crying or overactive baby or toddler? What is your reaction to someone who might be expressing their opinion while standing up for justice or someone who is very expressive in their responses at Mass? Don’t you ever wish them to be silent, because after all, they are distracting you from what’s important… God’s Word.
But what is our anger and embarrassment hiding? Is it shame because we let our fear or jealousy keep us from offering help or support, or from also standing up for truth, or from acknowledging Jesus as Lord and Saviour enthusiastically?
Lord, send us your spirit so that we may be strengthened. Help us to come to the aid of those in need in our midst, and to do and say what is right and just.

Photo by Elena Taranenko on Unsplash