Visio Divina for women: Thursday, Oct 21
October 21, 2021
Catholic Education Board on return to face-to-face classes for all
October 21, 2021

Mom shares experience of son with autism receiving Covid vaccine

By Saira La Foucade

I felt moved to share my positive experience of allowing my son who is diagnosed as severe on the autism spectrum his first Covid-19 vaccine shot.

In the past, his experiences with inoculations included; being held down by four nurses, being wrapped in blankets while being held down, being medicated, and on four occasions having medically induced sleep.

Needless to say, I was having visions of the needle breaking in his arm and I was very skeptical.

The doctors at the UTT Chaguanas campus were very understanding and cooperative. From the first discussion, I was asked if I wanted an exemption for him when I said I would like him to be vaccinated, they were visibly relieved. I was told,  “ no problem we are prepared, bring him”.

I was still nervous but went praying.

Dr Supersad lived up to his name, (super) he came out excited to do a “car vaccination” and spoke with me (rather than above me), and he did his best to bond with my son, explaining all that he was going to do and in the blink of an eye, it was over. He used a special needle that was created with children like my son in mind. He must be commended for his super patience, super professionalism, super understanding. I am also grateful for the support of our family.

I can safely recommend any person with a disability to get their vaccination at the UTT Chaguanas site.

I thank all the staff there for their dedication to supporting our nation.