Woe to you experts in the law… you have hindered those who were entering.
Luke 11: 47-54
In today’s Gospel St Luke highlights Jesus’ impatience with the hypocrisy of the Pharisees and the experts in the Law , accusing them of not focusing on Kingdom values and creating obstacles for the poor to enter the kingdom.
So often the powerful create rules to suit themselves and keep the poor downtrodden. They enshrine these rules as Law as long as it suits their purpose.
I think of the advocacy of free trade by certain powerful countries while it is advantageous but then quickly change laws when free trade works against their powerful interests.
Jesus is calling us to examine our motives for creating rules in our communities. Are they motivated by a desire to liberate and empower the weak and marginalized or to keep them oppressed and disadvantaged?
Lord we thank you for this lesson in social justice. Forgive us for those times we participated in unjust policies and procedures. Give us the grace to speak truth to power.
Photo by Tingey Injury Law Firm on Unsplash