By Kaelanne Jordan
In an effort to promote the cause for Catholic education in the Archdiocese of Port of Spain, the Catholic Education Board of Management (CEBM) has appointed Dr Trevor Garcia as Chairman of SMAC (School Management and Advisory Committee) Tobago effective July 20, 2021.
A School Management and Advisory Committee is established under the direct control of the CEBM, to assist its principals in the effective management of one or more schools.
The aims and objectives of the SMAC Tobago are to: (i) work in harmony with the CEBM which has direct control and responsibility for RC primary schools and with the principals whose duties are presented in the Education Act of 1966; (ii) work with the school community to ensure that the Catholic identity, philosophy and vision for education of the Archdiocese of Port of Spain are fostered; (iii) assist the principals in a supportive and collaborative capacity in matters relevant to the proper and efficient management of the school as identified by the principal and/or the CEBM; (iv) work with the principal in seeking the interests of personnel, students, parents and guardians entrusted to the school, thereby nurturing good relations among all stakeholders; and (v) promote the cause of education generally.
Dr Garcia reports to the Chief Executive Officer of the CEBM, Sharon Mangroo, and liaises with the Senior Manager, Primary and Secondary Schools, as well as the Vicariate managers for Tobago.
In an interview with Catholic News, Dr Garcia mentioned that his “simple vision” as the “liaison officer” between the CEBM and the two Catholic primary schools— Scarborough RC and Delaford RC— is to establish a “stronger Catholic presence” in Tobago.
He acknowledged “…for some years, the [Tobago] schools have not been on the front burner in certain issues like academia, activities like curriculum [and] things coming out of the school as being Catholic. My simple vision …is to see if we can work together and establish a stronger relationship between the Catholic schools and the CEBM,” he said.
SMAC is mandated to (i) perform functions in relation to the school as the CEBM requires or as may be prescribed by the Education Act and regulations made under the Act and other laws that pertain to education, (ii) assist the principals in the interest of the school, in the performance of their duties by providing advice and specialist support in the following activities:
(iii) assist the CEBM in the process of making recommendations to the Teaching Service Commission for the appointment, transfer and promotion of staff to posts on the school’s establishment; and (iv) facilitate with the consent of the principal, the appointment where necessary, of committees consisting wholly or partly of members of the SMAC.
As it relates to membership, the members shall be practising Catholics and, as far as possible, be drawn from the fields of the Catholic religious studies, law, finance, accounting, construction, architecture, human resource management, events management, culture, education, community service or any other field relevant to the school system.
Dr Garcia has experience in school management, as he served as manager of Holy Cross College for over a decade. He is a practising Catholic and lay minister at St Joseph RC, Tobago.
He told Catholic News that he celebrates 50 years of teaching next year. Dr Garcia has taught at all levels of education from primary to tertiary. Presently, Dr Garcia is the academic coordinator and assistant professor at the University of Trinidad and Tobago (UTT).
He highlighted the importance of strengthening the Catholic faith in the sister isle as the number of Catholics in Tobago is very “small”.
According to data from the Ministry of Planning and Sustainable Development Central Statistical Office of the Trinidad and Tobago Population in 2011, 4,030 of the 60,735 population population in Tobago are Catholics.
Dr Garcia stated that there are 594 Catholic students at Scarborough RC and 118 at Delaford RC.
Of his new role, Dr Garcia explained that he sees it as a challenge. He however asserted, “I have enough experience and I know what education is all about. Once I get support from teachers and the Tobago education department particularly, I think we can establish good relationships and we can get things going,” he said.
He has already met with principals and staff of Scarborough RC and is set to do the same at Delaford RC soon. Commenting on his interaction at Scarborough RC, he said, it was an “excellent meeting”.