Sr Reina lived the missionary life, moment by moment
August 17, 2021
Wednesday August 18th: True love is always generous
August 18, 2021

New crematorium at Clark & Battoo

Clark & Battoo Funeral Home marks another milestone in their aim to faithfully serve our nation of Trinidad & Tobago with the announcement of the opening of their crematorium. Having everything under one umbrella would make things much easier for their clients.

With the opening of their new crem, located on its premises, they are the only funeral home in the North-West that offers an integrated funeral experience.

Equipped with professional embalmers, well trained staff, personalised add-on services including repatriation of the deceased, on site chapels, cemetery works, parking available across the street and now, the new crematorium, Clark & Battoo continues to grow and progress to meet the unique needs of their clients.

The Directors of Clark & Battoo Ltd know only too well that they would not be where they are today without the grace of God, the foresight and passion of past generations, dedicated staff members and most of all, the continued support of their loyal clients.

Clark & Battoo will continue to offer sterling service to everyone who walks through their doors as they faithfully serve the nation.



From rivalry to re-creation

History states that: “around 1880 J. Haynes Clark, a coloured businessman, diversified into the funeral business, where the firm became known for its discretion, tact and general classiness.  He was the first to import a motorized hearse in 1917, although horse-drawn units, driven by elegant top-hatted coachmen, remained popular into the 1930’s.

In the 1950’s Clark merged with a rival firm, Battoo Bros. (founded by Ethelbert Battoo in the 1940’s, it was a similar mixed enterprise, just across the street, which boasted a funeral home and car dealership) to form Clark & Battoo Ltd. which still runs one of the more popular undertaking services in the island, and whose headquarters stand on the site of the old Livery Stables at 11 Tragarete Road.”

– Bissessarsingh, A (2015), Snapshots of the History of Trinidad & Tobago.

Queen Bishop Publishing.