Read today’s Gospel. Matthew 19:23-30
“In truth I tell you, it is hard for someone rich to enter the kingdom of Heaven”
We enter into the kingdom of Heaven here and now by operating from the best of ourselves. However, to make that entry is a journey requiring us to let go of all that clings to us and prevents us from being our truest selves.
Certainly, it is not an easy task as the rich man in the story realized. Jesus understood the man’s plight as the man could not separate himself from his earthly wealth.
His fault was that he allowed his ‘riches’ to define him. Similarly, when we equate ourselves with our position, prestige, power and allow these to take us over, it will be almost impossible to discover our truest selves. Jesus goes even further to say that to get to that ‘kingdom’ will require us to let go of everything even those closest to us. Only then, will we inherit eternal life.
Thank you, Father, for those occasions when we realized our riches were separating us from our deepest selves which is you, and so we promptly left them to be with you.