The Caribbean School for Catholic Communications (CSCC) halted its activities last year due to the coronavirus pandemic. With the pandemic still in effect, CSCC decided to host this year’s school virtually from August 2 to 7.
Forty-five participants from various Caribbean countries took part in this week of activities. There were participants from Anguilla, Antigua, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, St Lucia, and Trinidad.
The theme for this year’s school of activities was Sync or Swim. In an interview with CSCC’s principal Lisa Bhajan, she explained the meaning behind this.
According to Bhajan, “One of the gaps we were seeing in Catholic multimedia productions was the lack of a comprehensive understanding and connection with the mission of the Catholic Church. Being ‘in sync’ and having a broader perspective by touching the ideas in the papal documents and pastoral letters is a good start to colouring the content and messages of our productions. Once we know how to float those messages around in our minds, the next step is to swim with them – using the tools of technology to shape them.”
Over the course of the week, participants were exposed to valuable content from Pope Francis’ encyclicals. CSCC’s Vice Principal Sr Angela Ann Zukowski MHSH did excellent presentations, as she shared the main highlights of Laudato Si’, Fratelli Tutti, Christus Vivit and Gaudete Et Exsultate.
In the breakout groups following the presentations, participants were given the opportunity to interact, listen and share their opinions.
At the beginning of each session, Rose Jackman, the co-foundress of the Living Water Community, and consecrated household member Anika Johnson led short but spirit-filled prayer and worship sessions.
Participants were also exposed to the necessary skills and techniques for digital storytelling in terms of print, video, audio, and social media. Each unit was presented by experienced Catholic facilitators who highlighted the need to pattern work after Jesus, the Divine storyteller.
On the final day, during the morning session, participants were given the opportunity to read their stories and present their social media strategy plans. Feedback was then given by the facilitators.
In the afternoon session, Jackman commissioned the participants to go out and use their talents to build up God’s Kingdom. Certificates were then distributed digitally. — Ottrisha Carter
More in a coming issue.