This week the Archdiocese celebrates Marriage and Family week and on July 26th we celebrate the feast of Saints Joachim and Anne. They are the parents of Mary and grandparents of Jesus.
An ancient story tells how Saints Anne & Joachim, like Abraham and Sarah, were scorned by their neighbors because they had no children. “Years of longing did not weaken their trust in God, but grief eventually drove Saint Joachim into the wilderness to fast and pray. Saint Anne, remaining at home, dressed in mourning clothes and wept because she had no child of her own. Seeing her mistress distressed, a servant girl reminded Anne to put her trust in God. Saint Anne washed her face, put on her bridal clothes and went to a garden to plead with God for a child. Angels appeared to Saint Anne in her garden and Saint Joachim in the desert, promising that, despite their old age, they would give birth to a child who would be known throughout the world. The new parents ran to meet one another at Jerusalem’s Golden Gate, and with a kiss rejoiced in the new life”
In recognition of these two occasions we asked some married women for some insight and advice on marriage
Deacon Sheldon Narine & Cindy Narine
· Parish: St Michaels’s RC Church
How long have you been married: 27 years
What is your marriage pet peeve: Procrastination
What do you enjoy most about being married: Having people around who love and care about each other no matter what
What is your secret to a happy marriage: It may sound cliché but LOVE
Do you have any advice for newlyweds: There is so much advice to give but the top two are: Always choose to love no matter what trials you may go through and keeping God at the centre of your marriage
Brenda & Andrew De la Rosa
Parish: Our Lady of Mt Carmel (Todd’s Road RC)
How long have you been married: 42 years
What’s your Marriage pet peeve: Saying “ I’m fine!” When you really are not or Silent treatment
What do you enjoy most about being married: Having a son and having someone to always come home to, to grow old together with, and to enjoy each other’s company
What is your secret to a happy marriage: Communication/honesty/being supportive
Do you have any advice for newlyweds: Marriage is not a bed of roses but once you are willing to communicate, listen, be faithful and always have God as your anchor, you can make it
Howard Spencer & Summer Chunesingh-Spencer
Parish: Our Lady of Perpetual Help in San Fernando
How long have you been married: 7 months
What is your marriage pet peeve: Simple kisses
What do you enjoy most about being married: The fact that we made a vow to be together forever
What is your secret to a happy marriage: Trust and communication
Do you have any advice for newlyweds: Always keep God as number one
Hanlon Hinkson & Ayesha Scott Hinkson
Parish: St Anthony’s Petit Valley
How long have you been married: 12 years
What’s your marriage pet peeve: Antiquated gender roles in marriages
What do you enjoy most about being married: Companionship. Having someone to share my life with
What is your secret to a happy marriage: Open communication and mutual respect
Do you have any advice for Newly Weds: Always make time for quality time together
Marc Chandler & Suelin Novarro Chandler
Parish: St Peter’s RC in Pointe a Pierre
How long have you been married: 4 years
What is your Marriage pet peeve: There are several little pet peeves that I have learnt not to sweat myself over . However one major one would be asking for help with tasks at home and I expect him to help me immediately but he would usually do it on his own time.
What do you enjoy most about being married: Being able to love and grow in love everyday and experience life with my best friend. Knowing that no matter how my day went I get to lay down next to someone who just loves and appreciates me though it all.
What is your secret to a happy marriage: Honest and open communication even when it feels difficult to express yourself. Do not expect your husband to read your mind. Making sure to have a clear distinction between a complaint and a criticism. Sure I can bring attention to the problem at hand through a complaint but I do not want to remove the focus from the issue and make my partner the problem.
Do you have any advice for Newly Weds: Conflict will happen but ever blame your marriage for the hiccups of life. Approach issues from a place o love. Always be open and honest with each other. Most importantly prayer should be the basis of anything you do in your marriage with your family. Individual prayer and couple prayer are both important and makes a huge difference in navigating married life. Finally, be intentional in praying for your husband and what you want God to do in his life.