Care for Creation: Preventing infections in dogs and cats
July 19, 2021
Good luck Team TTO in Tokyo
July 20, 2021

Tuesday July 20th: Standing Outside

God’s will for each of us is to form deep, and meaningful relationships with others.

Matthew 12: 46-50

Are you on the outside when you should be on the inside? Have you ever felt offended by someone and then totally ostracized yourself from the community? Perhaps, your withdrawal may even have been justified. Yet, in today’s gospel, Jesus knows you are on the outside, but his will is to invite you to draw closer.
You see, God’s will for each of us is to form deep, and meaningful relationships with others. We please God more by being responsive to his call, even if that means renouncing our ego and surrendering the offence that binds us so that we can re-join the community. God wants to use our unique gifts to build His kingdom here on earth and our withdrawal also affects others.
Prayer: Lord, liberate me from brokenness and offence for I desire to move from the outside into the inside- closest to you, Jesus. Bend my heart to the Father’s will and use me as an instrument for unity, community and love. Amen.