“It is the unfaithful generation that asks for a sign.”
Matthew 12:38-42
It is true that most of us depend on signs to help us navigate through life. Signs inform our decision making. Can you imagine what the outcome will be if there were no road signs? We also know that for signs to be effective they have to be read and interpreted correctly.
In today’s Gospel, some of the scribes and Pharisees challenged Jesus to show them a sign to prove he is of God; they want tangible proof.
Sometimes we too, look for spectacular proof of God’s presence but often encounter difficulty because of our reluctance to change our course of direction –to stop and realize our preconceived notion of God does not exist. We cannot manipulate our own journey of faith.
The signs of God’s presence are visible when we read them through the eyes of faith and total trust and faithfulness in a God who loves us unconditionally.
As followers of Jesus, our lives are the signs that the world can see and so come to know and experience Jesus present in our midst.