By Niobe Rodrigues
Well I don’t know about you but I’m not afraid
My Shepherd He walks beside me all way
I will not fear no, God is there
Well I don’t know about you but I’m not afraid
Not Afraid Lyrics – Kevin Downswell; Sung by: Kevin Downswell & Rondell Positive
All of the readings for the Sixteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time talk about how close God is to us.
“I myself will gather the remnant of my flock…”
“…I fear no evil; for you are at my side…”
“…In Christ Jesus you who once were far off have become near by the blood of Christ.”
“…his heart was moved with pity for them, for they were like sheep without a shepherd…”
At times, we wonder if this is really true. I don’t know about you but it’s easier to believe that God is with us when life is smooth and easy and bright. When you have money in the bank, job security, good health, and well-behaved children who even bothers to check if God is there? It becomes very much like the 23rd Psalm that many a church-going Christians can recite by heart. Yet this song by Kevin Downswell puts a different spin on it.
He and his singing partner walk and sing together on the stage in their video. The music gives a feel of taking steps and, in the beginning, the steps are not quick nor is the music until they start to walk together. Each of them has their own part in the song and in some cases their own words to sing. The verses go back again to the plodding, stressful steps that he and the other artiste take together. Why? Danger is coming. You have to start to walk differently, carefully, cautiously, then, when things settle, you return to the upbeat chorus. Such a nice song…but isn’t that life?
Sometimes, we have to slow down. Why? We want to run ahead of God and guess what? We end up in trouble. However, if we have decided to allow the Lord to shepherd us, He’s not far away and just as fast as we run headlong into something, it takes 20 times as long to iron it out but the thing is the smooth days will return.
This is an upbeat Gospel Reggae song. What kind of song are you singing with Jesus as both of you walk together? What song is in your heart right now? Maybe the song you have now is a slower one where you need Him to support and carry you. Maybe it is one that’s a short chorus of praise. Perhaps you have been singing one song to him for the past 20 years and you need to hear or sing it in a new way. Whatever we are singing, chanting, belting out, let us invite our Shepherd and Saviour to sing with us so that we shall all not be afraid.