Bishop Lawrence Nicasio of Belize City, Belmopan took his first dose of the Covid-19 AstraZeneca vaccine March 29 and his second dose in June. “We had vaccines around for many years and while there are pros and cons regarding its use, there is nothing on earth that is perfect,” Bishop Nicasio said in an interview with diocesan monthly The Christian Herald.
“We need to look at the bigger picture. We belong to a larger community, so we need to look at the betterment and common good of all of us.”
Quoting from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) on the use of Covid-19 vaccines, he noted that there had been “diverse and sometimes conflicting” pronouncements in the media made by bishops and Catholic organisations, which have raised questions about the morality of the vaccine. And this has raised more questions in the minds of Christians, Bishop Nicasio said.
The publication stated that the Bishop said he was very impressed with the document, which touched not only on the use, but also on the morality of using vaccines. He offered a simple explanation.
“I’d like to reflect on our own creation, the origin of life. God created us and provided for our very needs. There are many gifts, but the same Spirit provides these gifts. We are not all scientists, teachers, lawyers, doctors, musicians, farmers, etc. but all these gifts are used for the betterment of life on earth. So, when it comes to scientists coming up with a vaccine, I do not see it as something for themselves, but going beyond, in applying what God has given to those who have been gifted with the gift of science and knowledge—trusting them,” he explained. “This trust,” he continued, “is similar to what we have for our teachers. We trust a teacher; we trust that the teacher will teach our child well. So, we trust our scientists that what they do will be for the betterment of our society.”
Bishop Nicasio acknowledged that the leaders of the country and churches should take the vaccine. He said, “When we do this, we open ourselves to the trust we say we have in God, in the people we call experts in the field.”