#BeingTracy – Birthday thoughts & stages of grief
July 8, 2021
Church hosts mental health discussion
July 9, 2021

Friday July 9th: Proclaiming Good news.

The Holy Spirit will provide whatever is necessary when the time comes.

Matthew 10: 16 – 23.

Jesus sending the disciples out into a world that might be hostile towards them or deaf to the good news is an indication of how important evangelization is. Nothing must stop or prevent the proclamation of the good news. Even in today’s world, that seems indifferent towards organized religion, it is important to evangelise.

Disciples cannot hide from the world, but must engage it and announce to it despite the hostilities or deafness that may be present. Hurdles should make us imaginative not fearful.

Throughout its history, the Church has had to deal with obstacles of different kinds both from within and from without. And, faithful to Jesus’ command and expectation, she has measured up, not by retaliating, but by being creative.

As we go out into the world to announce the good news, remember that Jesus alerts us the difficulties involved and he also promises to give us the graces we need to do the task. The Holy Spirit will provide whatever is necessary when the time comes.