Adapted from Verificat, June 21
There is a video circulating on WhatsApp suggesting that vaccines against Covid-19 have the mission to implant nano sensors in the brain, which allow them to give orders to the body through the fourth generation (4G) and fifth generation (5G) of mobile networks. This is FALSE.
The speaker in the video affirms that these nano sensors are programmed to transmit signals, but the reality is far from this claim.
None of the vaccines against SARS-CoV-2 is designed to introduce microscopic sensors in our nervous system, so it is impossible that if we are vaccinated, we will be controlled by mobile networks.
Nanotechnology has long been applied to understand how the brain works and to treat neurological diseases that are difficult to treat because of the complexity of the nervous system.
Ten years ago, for example, this technique was already being used to diagnose brain tumours. Advances in science have made it possible to adapt it to such delicate cases as administering drugs using nano particles that manage to cross the blood-brain barrier, a small layer of cells that cover the brain’s blood vessels and whose impermeability prevents the exchange of substances between the brain and the blood.
These techniques, however, do not work through the 4G and 5G networks, which are mobile technologies, the latter more advanced than the former, which facilitate the velocity of navigation increasing the capacity of connection of mobile devices such as smartphones, tablets, or laptops. Their design is not related to the function of nano technology in the brain.
As the World Health Organization (WHO) explained in February 2020 in relation to the advent of the 5G network and its impact on health, “to date and after much research, no adverse health effects have been causally linked to exposure to wireless technologies”. Furthermore, the WHO stressed that “the radio frequency exposure levels of current technologies cause a negligible temperature increase in the human body”.
The 5G networks use small cell towers, masts and other transmission systems installed in buildings, which connect with a main network that administers the connections. Its objective is to achieve an ultrarapid connection being able to transmit data using a much lower power.
Photo by Mufid Majnun on Unsplash