Mandeville bishop works on building relationships with people
June 29, 2021
14th Sunday in OT (B)
June 29, 2021

New priest, deacon ordained


Bishop Lawrence Nicasio of Belize City, Belmopan ordained Rev Marcos Rodriguez to the priesthood on the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Friday, June 11 at Holy Redeemer Cathedral in Belize City.

According to The Christian Herald, the last priestly ordination occurred 12 years ago when Rev Jordan Gongora was ordained priest for the diocese.

After the ordination Mass, Fr Rodriguez received a letter stating his new assignment as administrator of the Holy Redeemer Cathedral Parish. He will be visiting several parishes around the diocese offering Masses and several other sacraments.

Meanwhile, Mateo Salam was ordained a transitional deacon by Bishop Nicasio in his home parish of Sacred Heart Parish in Dangriga on Wednesday, June 9.

The day was also special for Rev Mateo as it was his birthday.

“Mateo’s siblings and relatives woke up very early that morning to take the long journey” to be present for the occasion, the diocesan monthly reported. Several priests, seminarians and visiting seminarians and deacons from abroad attended the ordination Mass.

Rev Marcos Rodriguez, now Fr Rodriguez, who started seminary the same year as Rev Salam proclaimed the Gospel.

In his homily, Bishop Nicasio thanked Rev Salam for embracing the will of God and for giving his life in the service of God’s people.

The Christian Herald mentioned that Rev Salam was vested with a stole and a dalmatic as a sign of his new office of Deacon by his brother Fr Vicente Salam MOP.

The article ended urging faithful to “please pray” for Rev Salam as he prepares to enter his last year of formation to the holy priesthood.