To follow Jesus means to be prepared to be with him in good times as well as bad.
Matthew 8: 18-22
Theoretically we all know what it is to be a Christian, and that decision is by no means a guarantee of an easy life. To follow Jesus means to be prepared to be with him in good times as well as bad.
Jesus does not hide the implications of our decision to follow him and that, that commitment to him must go beyond a short term emotional one. Christian discipleship can be radical and urgent. It can even take priority over ‘burying the dead.’ This means that God’s calls take precedence over all else. Discipleship requires faith, trust, and commitment. To follow him is to share in his suffering. Not exactly a sales pitch.
Even as I say I am willing to follow Jesus, I too quickly realise where it may be difficult for me. If I am to be a disciple I need to remain in dialogue with Jesus, listening keenly for his response.
Jesus, we thank you for numbering us among your disciples today. Grant us all that we need to follow you closely and faithfully.