Sunday June 6th: United we stand, divided we fall.
June 6, 2021
Tuesday June 8th: Bearing witness
June 8, 2021

Monday June 7th: Blessed Are You

Rejoice and be glad, for your reward will be great in heaven.

Matthew 5:1-12

This could be the most powerful sermon ever delivered. Blessed is this group …but blessed is that group as well. Am I blessed? Do I fall into any of these blessed buckets?  Jesus boldly outlined to us in the Sermon on the Mount a roadmap to true happiness and blessedness.

He knows of our desire to be happy. However, Jesus’ ways are the very opposite of the ways of the world. He rejects all false beatitudes which make happiness depend on social media likes, “zessing”, drinking till we are falling, or an attitude of “you only live once (YOLO)”. He knows that the results of these false beatitudes are mental disorders, unhappiness, false hopes, fears, and anxieties.

Jesus has offered us a better way, the only way to true blessedness, as expressed in the Beatitudes. Am I prepared to cut the ties that keep me running after the false beatitudes?