Jesus knew himself and he was confident in his own identity as Son of God.
Mark 12: 35 – 37.
The scribes’ claim that the Christ is the son of David speaks of Jesus’ identity. Identity is complex since a person is not just one thing. The way a person sees himself/herself is different from the way their family and friends see them and different from the way society sees them.
Speaking of Jesus’ identity we must admit he is not just one thing. He is both human and divine. He is both the son of David and the Son of God. He is both Lord and Saviour. He is healer to some and friend to others. He answers prayers and challenges us to be better. Jesus cannot be reduced to one thing.
While public opinion of a person is important since it impacts on their self-esteem and persona, at times one has to ignore it and just be confident in whom they know themselves to be. Jesus knew himself and he was confident in his own identity as Son of God.