T’shura Chinia
Our Lady of Monsterrat,Tortuga
Corpus Christi means that Jesus gave His entire body and blood for me so now I can give my entire self to Him
Shernelle Torres
St Phillips and St James, Chaguanas
A Feast day in celebration of the Eucharist …hmmm …for me it’s a time of renewal. Adoration is something that has always brought me peace and restoration despite the happenings of everyday life. Therefore the ability to freely and openly partake in the Celebration of the Body of Christ brings a greater appreciation of my Catholic Faith. It is a celebration of God’s eternal everlasting love for us.
Candace Francis
St Paul’s RC Church, Couva
Corpus Christi means finding communion with Christ. We are supposed to be one in Christ. Therefore, we must see to it that all people are served as they are His people. No discrimination.
Summer Chuniesingh Spencer
OLPH, San Fernando
Corpus Christi to me is a commemorative occasion where I remember Jesus sacrificing his body and blood for me.
Marina Marcano
OLPH, San Fernando
Corpus Christi is the ultimate exposure of the Lord’s gift to us. Our salvation through his Body and blood. I am grateful to receive him in this way and I am always reminded of the sacrifice God has made to set me free from sin.
Lisa Joseph
St Benedict’s, La Romain
Corpus Christi for me is symbolic of the sacrifice and the eternal covenant Jesus made for us when he died for our sins. I am reminded at this time that it is through His blood that we were saved by grace and we are now called His sons and daughters. What an amazing benefit to be called “His daughter”. It gives me great comfort, strength, faith, and a song to sing in my heart daily that His blood prevails and has the power to save, heal, deliver me and supply all of my needs.