Wednesday May 26th: The Servant Leader
May 26, 2021
Visio Divina for women: Thursday, May 27
May 27, 2021

Thursday May 27th: At your disposal

What do you want me to do for you?

Mark 10: 46-52

This Pentecost weekend Archbishop Jason Gordon posed some questions: Is there something more we want for our lives? What is the inner state of our lives? He said God wants more for us, but we have to want more for ourselves, and we have to ask God. Bartimaeus wanted more for himself, even when others scolded and tried to silence him.
Bartimaeus’ cloak which saved him from the elements was one of his most essential possessions, but in going to Jesus, he let it go. In prayer there is much letting go. We hand over disappointments, hurts and grief to the one who loves us and gives much more in return.
In Bartimaeus’s petition he asks not to be seen, but to see, not for honour but for vision, not to be superior, but to become ordinary, not to rule over others, but to join in their experience of a normal life.
Lord, give us courage like Bartimaeus to listen for you, so we can answer when asked – What do you want me to do for you?