GCCM TT launches with pledge of action
May 24, 2021
A time of renewal
May 25, 2021

Tuesday May 25th: We will not have easy lives

Peter began to say to Jesus, “Look, we have left everything and followed you.”

Mark 10:28-31

“I Dared to call Him Father”, is a very touching true story about a prominent Muslim woman who fell in love with God. This turned her life upside down as well as endangered it. She fled her country leaving all wealth and possessions behind to follow Christ. She eventually became a powerful evangelist in another country.
Today, Jesus is saying to all his disciples that we cannot outdo Him in generosity. Jesus warns us, though, that this discipleship with its attendant blessings come with a price on this side of eternity. We will not have easy lives. We will be persecuted. We will have to flee, sometimes not only from homes but also from relationships, attachments and sometimes our old selves which keep us miserable and judgemental. This “giving up” is sometimes more difficult than any other.
For all that we may have to surrender for His sake, Jesus promises us much more than earthly blessings. The Father himself will give us more “in the age to come eternal life”