From the CCSJ/AMMR
The Catholic Commission for Social Justice (CCSJ) and the Archdiocesan Ministry for Migrants and Refugees (AMMR) are happy to announce the launch of their new website.
It is a rebranded website that strives to build capacity in our Archdiocese, enabling Christ’s disciples to embrace the social teaching of our Church which is an essential element of our faith.
The visual style of our rebranded website is modern, simple, and easy to understand. Our website is just one tool at our disposal to assist us as we seek to energise others to work with us to transform our national/world community so that justice, love, truth, freedom and forgiveness, the pillars of peace, will prevail, as divinely ordained by God, and will:
* ensure human rights, duties and human dignity
* celebrate diversity and promote equality and equity
* promote the common good, respect for human life and integral ecology – hearing both the cry of the poor and the cry of the earth.
Our work is grounded in the biblical concept of Social Justice and Catholic Social Teaching and is challenged by the mission of Jesus to bring about a New World Order.
Our mission is to be a fearless and unified voice to eradicate social injustice in T&T and in the world. This voice is infused with gospel values that will awaken the social conscience of all citizens and create an empowered population so all can be active participants in bringing about the Kingdom of God here on Earth. We strive to do this through:
* Social justice education and advocacy
* promoting authentic integral human development, and
* working for the transformation of inequitable structures and systems.
Pope Francis has urged us to ensure that migrants and refugees are not used as “pawns on the chessboard of humanity”. As we observe the Solemnity of the Holy Trinity, remember St Augustine’s words: “You see the Trinity if you see love.” Let us use technology to sow love and unity, and not discord.
Our AMMR team continues to work with parishes, local and international agencies to welcome, protect, promote, and integrate migrants and refugees who have come to our shores seeking peace, and who face many challenges. Our rebranded website contains resources/tools that will be of use to everyone.