“Father, the hour has come: glorify your Son so that your Son may glorify you.”
John 17:1-11
In today’s Gospel Jesus prayed the above words as he gathered with his disciples in the Upper Room. He prayed on behalf of his disciples asking God’s glory to shine through us, his followers and goes on to ask God’s protection on his disciples who will remain in the world. What a heart -warming and comforting prayer!
We often say, ‘God is Love’ and this is true. Jesus wanted this to be crystal clear to his disciples. His entire mission was to make God known to the world; to make Him known as a God of Love.
As I reflect on this passage, I recall parents and loved ones who at their time of dying ask their children to look out for one another and ensure all siblings remain in the love of one another. This is Jesus’ prayer too, as he prayed that we may be one with one another as the Father and Son are one.
We pray that Jesus’ prayer be heard in our hearts as we strive to imitate his love.