Sunday May 16th: Ascension Sunday
May 16, 2021
Care for Creation: Cherishing Pets
May 17, 2021

Monday May 17th: We are not alone

“I have told you all this so that you may find peace in me.”

John 16:29-33

Jesus’ words “I am not alone” have been His mantra from day one. His focus is always the Father and doing His will. It is no wonder, then, that at the end of his life, facing torture and death he will again remind his followers that even when they abandon him, going their own way, they need not worry because His Father is with him.

This utter dependence on God in the face of catastrophe is what we are called to do at this time, and whenever we face a crisis. There is a saying: “Things will get worse before they get better”. To believe God is in control while facing the bleak reality of persons losing jobs, income, facing starvation, and even death demands we emulate Jesus who, despite His bleak reality, conquered the world. The time calls for us to dig deep within and hold on to the conviction that God is in charge.

Thank you, Father, for sending us Jesus people who bring peace, reminding us you are always with us.