The apostles are not just the foundation upon which we stand, they are also the inspiration by which we live and witness.
John 15: 9 – 17.
St. Matthias had the great honour of being included among the twelve when he was elected to replace Judas. He was chosen and commissioned to go out and to bear fruit that will last. Along with Peter and the others, St. Matthias had the great privilege of proclaiming the risen Christ.
We are not apostles in the same sense as St. Matthias or any of the twelve. But we have been chosen and commissioned to go out and to bear fruit. Our Tradition reminds us that we share in the life and mission of the apostles. They are not just the foundation upon which we stand, they are also the inspiration by which we live and witness.
St. Matthias’ apostleship can be an encouragement for us to do the same. Do not hesitate to say ‘yes’ when the Lord calls. The invitation may come through our priests or community members. It is indeed a great honour to be chosen and sent.
Photo by K. Mitch Hodge on Unsplash