Wednesday May 5th: The true vine
May 5, 2021
Visio Divina for women: Thursday, May 6
May 6, 2021

Thursday May 6th: Abide in my love

“Just as the Father has loved Me, so I have also loved you…”

John 15:9-11

This Gospel is very brief, only 3 verses, yet it is powerful. The word abide means to continue, remain in, or dwell. In this passage, there are three key points about what it means to abide or dwell in Jesus’s love.
Jesus tells us that He loves us just as the Father loves Him. Jesus wants us to continue to experience the joy of our salvation through Him and to have a personal relationship with Him.
Jesus explains that when we keep His commandments that is when we “abide” in or remain in His love. If we are obedient to Christ and His teachings, then we can have the intimate relationship with Him.
Finally, Jesus says that when we are obedient to Him, His joy will remain in us. To receive this joy, all Jesus asks of us, is that we obey Him just as He has obeyed the Father.
Lord, keep me ever looking to Jesus and dwelling in His love. This I ask in His precious name, Amen.