By Judy Joseph Mc Sween
For as far back as I can recall, we always owned one or more dogs for the protection of our home. Our neighbours, friends and strangers understandably feared these dogs, but I considered them as the most loyal and affectionate pets.
One phenomenon that always amazed me was the sight of one of the Rottweilers ambling along the double-chain, link fence and suddenly he would stop and sniff the base of the fence. Inevitably, this signalled that he had found an escape route in the fence and if we weren’t swift enough, he would wriggle his way through the hole to the freedom that lay beyond.
What distinguished this Rott – Carlos, from the other four Rotts in the yard? Why did the others believe that the perimeter of the fence was their limit and he apparently didn’t? The thing about it is, no matter how many times we paced and examined the fence, we were unable to spot the opportunity that Carlos had the ability to discover. He made the seemingly impossible, possible.
As I took my time out today, I was drawn to the analogy between Carlos and high-performance individuals and teams. What makes a high-performance individual or team plateau? What makes us believe that we have given all we have to give? What makes us flounder around generating solutions? What is the opportunity that we are missing?
In Luke 1:37 we are reminded “For with God nothing will be impossible” and in 1 Corinthians 2:9 we read, “However, as it is written: What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived— the things God has prepared for those who love him” Last Sunday, we celebrated the Divine Mercy— Jesus, I trust in you!
The only way of going beyond the limits of the possible, is by going beyond them into the impossible. Perhaps, we should begin to embody the promises in these verses, transition to what we know to who we are and what we do.
Till we meet again, it’s Judy Joseph Mc Sween, Time Out Specialist, encouraging you to align your knowing, being and doing