He’s alive and with us. JOHN 20:19–31
By Sr Christina Araujo OP
“The disciples told their story of what had happened on the road and how they had recognised Jesus at the breaking of bread.” One sentence… so much contained in it.
What was the story? Two disciples of Jesus had been on their way home after that extraordinary Passover weekend, during which Jesus—their master, teacher, and leader—had been arrested, condemned to death, and crucified. They had experienced what seemed like the destruction of their dreams. What did it all mean? That was the question they were grappling with.
As they walked along, downcast and confused, talking about what had happened, the risen Jesus Himself came and walked with them, but they did not recognise that it was Jesus. They were not expecting Him to be there. He had died. This man was walking and talking with them. He seemed to have deep insights but there was nothing to suggest to them that this was Jesus.
When they reached where they were going, they invited Him to stay with them, as it was nearly evening. It was only when the man accepted their invitation to have a meal with them, that understanding dawned. As He broke bread with them, a light dawned in their minds and hearts. They recognised Him. This was JESUS. He vanished but they had recognised Him. He was alive.
Now they were excited to head back to Jerusalem to meet the other disciples to share their story, to be part of what was happening, and this is where today’s gospel begins.
Disciples are telling their stories of meeting the risen Jesus. Excitement is growing. He is alive. The disciples of Jesus have gathered in Jerusalem. They tell their stories. And Jesus appears among them. They see His wounds. They hear His voice.
We have our stories also, perhaps not so dramatic, but we too have our own stories of journeying on the road of our life, sometimes downcast and confused or afraid like the disciples immediately after the crucifixion. Other times, we are ready to go anywhere, to do anything we feel God wants us to do, full of excitement, full of zeal.
Let us encourage each other on our journey. Christ is alive and with us. Alleluia.
Sr Christina Araujo is a Dominican sister of the Sinsinawa Community.