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Friday April 9th: Coming full circle

‘So they threw the net out and could not haul it in because of the quantity of fish.’

John 21: 1 – 14.

The disciples going back fishing has the ring of despair that many people feel after the death of a loved one. To hear Peter say: “I am going fishing”, seems as though they had reached a dead end and can only go back to the one thing they knew. We all have that one thing we fall back on when things get tough.

The amazing thing is, Jesus did not chastise them for going back fishing. In fact he helped them to the catch of a lifetime. But this was only to lead them on.

They having caught nothing all night means without Jesus we can do nothing. He leading them to a huge catch of fish means with Jesus we have abundance. The huge catch was again a reminder that their true mission was to bring in a huge catch of people into the kingdom. Now that the resurrection has taken place, they could take up their true mission in earnest.

Photo by travelnow.or.crylater on Unsplash