For the Common Good
April 5, 2021
Pope gives Easter blessing
April 5, 2021

The transforming power of the Resurrection

The Resurrection of Jesus Christ showed that death and darkness have no power.

As the Triduum reached its climax at the Easter Vigil on Gloria Saturday, Archbishop Jason Gordon asked Catholics to allow the transforming power of the Resurrection to give them hearts of flesh to be people of love.

Presiding at the Mass at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, he cited the Gospel of Mark 16:1–7, as the women went to the tomb “early in the morning on the first day of the week”, and a parallel with the First Reading Genesis 1:1–2:2, when God said, “Let there be light”.

“St Mark is saying to us on this first day God again created light, the light of the Resurrection, the light to enlighten the Gentiles; a light no darkness can overcome because the Resurrection light conquers all darkness.” He said a new creation came with Jesus’ Resurrection and the darkness of despair and hatred inflicted on His body gave way to the light of the Resurrection that came forth from the tomb.

The Archbishop said the women in the gospel wondered who will move the stone from the tomb but when they arrived, they saw it removed. Archbishop Gordon referenced the reading Exodus 14:15–15:1 saying, “the same God who opened up the sea…allowed the Israelites to travel to the other side of the sea unharmed…the same God who allowed death to be revealed for what it is, mockery, sham, no power.”

Through the Resurrection, the whole of humanity came out of the tomb. The power of the Resurrection was given during Baptism and Catholics should not be afraid of death or what others can do to them. He added, “We should only fear the Lord and live our life for this God because it is God who conquered the darkness.”

Archbishop Gordon said the grand call of the readings was that the people of the new covenant must have a new heart, a heart of flesh, a heart of love. “This heart is open to the pain and troubles of others and open to loving.”

He said this is why the Sacred Heart of Jesus was inflamed by love. The faithful should turn to the Sacred Heart and beg God to take away their hearts of stone and turn it into hearts of flesh.

“You know we don’t love as God wants us to love because brothers and sisters, until we can confess, we are not the people God wants us to be, we can’t move from here to the freedom of the children of God that God promises us, and that is what Resurrection night is,” the Archbishop said.

As the Good News of the Resurrection was taken by Mary to Peter, the beloved disciple, and others, so too Catholics are to take the Good News of the Resurrection to their family and friends.

He gave this challenge: “Will you tonight allow the love of Jesus Christ in His Resurrection to inflame your hearts and to take you where He wants you to be so our lives will be radiant with the Resurrection light?”

Giving thanks after the Mass, Archbishop Gordon invited the congregation to give God applause that they were able to celebrate the Mass together. “It is through God’s love He will keep this country safe, but you and I have to do what we must do as obedient sons and daughters of God to keep our people safe”. —LPG