Sunday April 4th: Easter joy.
April 4, 2021
For the Common Good
April 5, 2021

Monday April 5th: Fake news!

Fake news and corruption appear to be nothing new.

Mathew 28: 8 – 15

Fake news and corruption appear to be nothing new. Imagine part of the Resurrection was a major bribery scandal and a “cover-up”. I wonder what the world would have been like, if the guards had the courage to speak the truth?
That is my lesson from the Resurrection. That is the evil and the danger, of fake news, bribery and corruption. Imagine every one with one religion. So many wars would have been avoided.
The action that this Gospel inspired in me was to expose and weed out fake news where ever I find it. I wrote a post on my parish chat that, before anyone posts any medical information they should cite the source and have two independent scientists or medical doctors known to our parish review it .
I pray to be brave and not be afraid of the consequences .