A new day has dawned. JOHN 20:1–9
By Sr Christina Araujo OP
“It was very early on the first day of the week and still dark, when Mary of Magdala came to the tomb.” So begins today’s gospel reading. It was still dark, but a new day was dawning in more ways than one.
Mary of Magdala was on her way to a tomb where the dead body of her beloved Lord Jesus had been placed. She made her journey in grief, so many question marks in her mind: what had really happened?
She was shocked when she discovered that the tomb was empty. No longer did it encase the body of a dead man, her beloved master. Jesus was alive? Or…?
She brought the news to Peter and the other disciple who ran to the tomb and verified what Mary had said.
Mary of Magdala had begun her pilgrimage with a heavy heart, weighed down with grief. Now her soul wanted to sing with joy: “He is risen, Alleluia!” A new day had dawned. A new time had come. The cross was not the end for Jesus or for us.
Yes! This was to be the first day of a new and glorious week, that would extend into a ‘week of weeks’—49 days—which would climax with a spectacular outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the 50th day at Pentecost. A whole new way of life would be born.
How is this your story? How is it my story? Can you remember a time when you, like Mary of Magdala, were in grief… deep grief? Something had happened. You felt like the dream, that had energised and directed you previously, had now become unclear.
You were not sure where to turn, and then it happened, you met someone whose words touched you at a deep level, transforming your life and bringing you new hope.
It was like you had met the risen Christ and a new life began. You were ready to face anything. Alleluia!
Easter blessings!
Sr Christina Araujo is a Dominican sister of the Sinsinawa Community.