This Lent, ask yourself, “What’s God’s vocation for me?”
March 15, 2021
East POS schools grateful for new tablets
March 15, 2021

Monday March 15th: A man of his word.

“…The man took Jesus at his word and departed.”

John 4:43-54

Growing up, I was taught ‘a man’s word is his bond’, so I guess that meant that people didn’t go around making empty promises because it was important to be able to keep one’s word. It also meant that one had to trust that people would do what they say they would.
This was clearly the case with this royal official, who didn’t ask, “Are you sure…”but how?”. Instead he trusted that this was indeed the saviour, who was turned water into wine; so why won’t Jesus be able to heal his son without going to him.
As I pondered this gospel passage, I reflected on so many, in salvation history, who had faith and trusted in God’s word; simple people who just believed. Do I take God at his Word or am I part of that crowd that repeatedly asks for a sign and still does not believe?
As we continue on this Lenten journey let’s continue to take Jesus at His word and have faith that He is with us.