The Lord Jesus makes us temples of the Holy Spirit
John 2:13-25
Jesus’ dramatic cleansing of the temple was seen by his disciples as a prophetic sign of God’s work to purify and restore true worship and holiness among his people.
When Jesus went to Jerusalem at Passover time he shocked the Jewish leaders by forcibly expelling the money-chargers and traders from the temple. Jesus referred to the temple as his Father’s house which was being made into a “house of trade”
Jesus spoke of himself as the true Temple which cleanses and makes us a holy people who can dwell with God. The sign Jesus gave pointed to his sacrificial death on the cross and his rising from the tomb on the third day: “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up”
Through his death and resurrection, the Lord Jesus has reconciled us with God and made us adopted sons and daughters of our heavenly Father, and he fills us with his Holy Spirit and makes us living temples of our God.
(Don Schwager)