Visio Divina for women: Thursday, March 4
March 4, 2021
Saturday March 6th: What can I get?
March 6, 2021

Friday March 5th: Persistent love

“Finally he sent his son to them thinking, “They will respect my son.”

Matthew 21:33-43; 45-46.

Today’s parable is a beautiful summary of the relationship between God and his people. The parable is rich in symbolism: the landowner is God, the vineyard is the House of Israel, the tenants are the people of God, the servants are the prophets, and the son is Jesus.

God elected the people of Israel to be his own. He gave them the land of Canaan and provided for their daily needs. He expected that his love would be returned in the forms of sincere worship and mutual justice. Unfortunately it was not. The people became corrupt and self-centred instead.

The parable speaks to us today in the same way as it did to the people of Jesus’ time. We are fortunate to be loved by God and we bear the same responsibility returning that love in the forms of sincere worship and genuine justice. Greed and selfishness deceive us into thinking we must have more at other people’s expense. That is a lie!