Why does this generation demand a sign”
Mark 8:11-13
“And with a sigh that came straight from the heart…” Wow! Those words totally express the feeling of exasperation yet with a lot of love accompanying it. I could just imagine how Jesus felt after performing all those miracles; healing the deaf and mute (Mk 7:31-37), feeding the multitude (Mk 8:1-9), and yet they still asked for a sign.
This makes me wonder, what they were actually looking for…maybe they were blinded by their expectations of who the Messiah should be and what He should do. This makes me think of the many times we are unable to see God working in our lives, because it doesn’t look the way we expect; or what we want is not happening fast enough. It all comes back to faith.
Lord, help me to see the times when I cause, not only You, but family members, friends, colleagues to sigh ‘straight from the heart’. Give me courage to stop looking for a sign but to let go of my expectation and step in faith.