They took issue with Jesus’ disciples not fasting as they did
Matthew 9: 14 – 15.
As we begin this holy and joyful season, give serious thought to the days you would fast and the things you would fast from.
Today’s passage meets Jesus in another confrontation but this time with John’s disciples. They took issue with Jesus’ disciples not fasting as they did. Jesus did not despise fasting. In fact he said on another occasion that there are some works that require fasting. (Matthew 17: 21)
Fasting is an important Lenten obligation. Usually Fridays of Lent are days of fast and abstinence. Some places also include Wednesdays of Lent as a day of fast.
The Lenten fast is helpful to our spirituality as it demonstrates remorse and repentance, it opens us more to God’s friendship and graces and it helps us develop self-control.
Fasting is not eating food. But we can fast from other things as well. Many have given up certain habits and practices under the guise of fasting. Important life-changes have taken place during the Lenten fast.
Fasting is not trivial or for others. As we begin this holy and joyful season, give serious thought to the days you would fast and the things you would fast from.