‘Where in a deserted place like this, could we get enough bread to feed these people?’
Mark 8: 1-10
This Gospel question aptly captures the sentiments of the Minister of Finance at his news conference on the 10th February. The present pandemic has made the national economy much like a ‘deserted place’ and through the eyes of economists and planners it appears that we do not ‘have enough bread to feed these people’. Yet Jesus sees the situation through different eyes.
He asks them ‘How many loaves have you?’ he takes the few loaves (seven), gives thanks to God, breaks them, hands them to the disciples to distribute. Jesus is making a profound statement. We have enough among ourselves if all are willing to share. If we are willing to live Kingdom values we would have more than enough. Others will offer their ‘small fish’ and there will be enough to pick up seven baskets full after all are satisfied.
Alternatively, living the World values, this will be a deserted place and many will ‘faint on the way’.