Priest deeply worried by vocation crisis
February 9, 2021
Postponement of the ordination of Fr Scantlebury
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Restructuring of the AEC Commissions

The Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples has granted the canonical Recognito (cf canon 449) for the change to the Statues of the Antilles Episcopal Conference (AEC) regarding the new structure of the Internal Commissions as of January 22.

A media release from the AEC said that at the Annual Plenary Meeting held in April 2020, a proposal was submitted to re-examine the 14 commissions and investigate the possibi lity of reorganising them to respond to the five priority areas for regional collaboration: Youth and Young Adults, Domestic Church, Catechesis and Education, Assisting the Unemployed and Care for the Earth.

According to the release, it was agreed that the following commissions were to act as principal drivers for all the other commissions: Commission on the New Evangelization, which focuses on the mission/mandate of the Church, and Commission on Communications for creative and innovative means of communicating the missionary mandate.

Regarding the other commissions, they were aligned with the five areas of priority:

  • Commission on Vocation and Youth (youth and young adults, family)
  • Commission on Divine Worship and Ministry (Liturgy & Stewardship)
  • Commission on the Laity and Family Life
  • Commission on Doctrine and Faith (Catechesis, Doctrine and Education)
  • Commission for Promoting Integral Human Development (Justice and Peace, Migration and Tourism, Health Care) (Unemployment & Care for the Earth)
  • Commission on Ecumenism and Inter-religious Dialogue
  • Commission on Finance