Thursday February 11th: Persistence and Humility
February 8, 2021
Prepping for battle
February 9, 2021

Friday February 12th: Alone with Jesus

Every disciple must be healed of impediments in order to hear God more clearly and proclaim Him.

Mark 7: 31 – 37

It is interesting that Jesus took the man aside, away from the crowds, to heal him. Surely he could have healed him right there and send him on his way. Let us see it as a way of Jesus safeguarding the man’s dignity.

Taking him aside shows Jesus’ deep respect for people. The man already had two disabilities which made him stand out. At times people stand out more for their lack than for the thing they have. We would not normally give a second glance to someone with all their senses even if they are standing on the tallest tower, but we would to someone who is lacking in some way even if they are in a crowd. Their lack makes them more noticeable.

Taking him aside was also a way of inviting the man into a deeper relationship. The man’s healing should open him to Jesus as his first word and proclamation. Every disciple must be healed of impediments in order to hear God more clearly and proclaim Him.