Today we feature Jo-ann Taylor-Smith who is a beautiful wife and mother belonging to the Our Lady of Assumption parish, South Oropouche. Jo –Ann’s story reminds us that something good can come from even something bad.
While for many the lock down due to covid 19 in 2020 was frustrating, it was a time of rejuvenation for Jo – Ann. Although she had no formal training in art, she always loved it and would from time to time try her hands at painting a few pieces. The Covid 19 lockdown came as a blessing in disguise, as she finally had enough time between work and taking care of her family to sit down and paint. She then started looking at YouTube tutorials in order to develop new techniques and suddenly she saw herself blossoming.
“My art just poured out like a secret I was dying to share. It became my stress relief, I reconnected with nature, once again looking at colours, shades and it made me reflective that God often bring us full circle to where we need to be”.
This quote from psychologist Abraham Maslow embodies just that. “A musician must make music, an artist must paint, a poet must write, if he is to be ultimately at peace with himself. What a man can be, he must be.” This to me should be every person’s journey to do what you love!”
We would love to get your feedback on this Visio Divina piece;.
Visio Divina (Latin for “divine seeing”) is a method for praying with images. Through Visio Divina we invite you to see beyond first and second impressions, and even beyond your initial ideas, judgments, or understandings. Our hope is to create a connection to the divine through local art.
So here is how we are going to do it.
1. Set aside 20 minutes in the day for the guided prayer experience
2. As you begin to prayer take a few minutes to open your heart and mind to God.
3. When you are ready, slowly look and notice the image, taking your time to let feelings and thoughts come to you as you take in forms, figures, colors, lines, textures, and shapes. What does it look like, or remind you of? What are your initial thoughts? What feelings are evoked?
4. Now, return to the image with an open heart and mind again. You may now experience new thoughts, meanings, and feelings. Start, exploring new meanings and feeling that come to you associated with the image. Be aware of any assumptions or expectations that you bring to the image. Regardless of your response to the image — delight, disgust, indifference, and confusion — contemplate prayerfully the reason for your response and what these responses might mean for and about you.
5. As you go deeper in this prayer, open yourself to what the image might reveal to you. What does the Spirit want to say, evoke, make known, or express to you in quiet meditation? What are your feelings, thoughts, desires, and meanings evoked by the image and how they are directly connected to your life?
6. Now, take the time to respond to God. Jot down in a journal the insights you want to remember, actions you are invited to take, wisdom you hope to embody, or any feelings or thoughts you wish to express. Bring your prayer to a close by resting in God’s grace and love. Please email us as at on the impact this activity may have had on your day, and be sure to share the artist’s image on your social media feeds.
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