Some members of the Archdiocese of Port of Spain Altar Servers’ Council compiled their thoughts as the group navigates through the pandemic, often times feeling like the forgotten bunch.
There is a sacredness in what altar servers do. Always.
As we process to the altar, we try our very best to prepare our minds for the sacrifice that is about to take place. ‘They’ say altar servers are supposed to be seen but not heard, moving gracefully on the sanctuary. As altar servers we do feel neglected at times.
More so during this pandemic, we began to see ourselves falling apart. During this time of COVID-19, many altar servers have felt heartbroken, mentally and spiritually numb by the misfortune of events, referring to it as a ‘tabanca’ as we are unable to serve as before.
We would like to think that during these tough times, we are still a blessing in disguise. We thank God and remain grateful for the opportunity to serve at the altar, when possible.
Our group looks at the church environment as an oasis, where we are able to de-stress from the noise of the outside world, while also losing ourselves in God’s majestic presence.
During this unchartered period, we have learnt that we should be like a pineapple, adding flavour to all our fruit baskets. We believe faith is the substance of things hoped for; the evidence of things not seen.
Pope Francis noted, “It’s a privileged way to draw closer to Jesus which in turn enables you to open yourselves to others and to journey together.” It reminds us that though we are silent witnesses, we take pride in our vocation in the call to prayer and mission.
We give our service with gladness to the Lord and liken ourselves to the Prophet Isaiah, “I then heard the voice of the Lord saying: ‘Whom shall I send? Who will go for us?” And I said, “Here I am, send me.”. (Isa 6:8) – a response to the Lord’s call wholeheartedly.
Dissecting our service we found it is:
S – acrifical,
E – nthusiastic,
R – peated Act,
V – irtuous,
I – nspiring,
C – heerful,
E – xcellent.
As we look forward to some semblance of normality, we pray that our hearts and minds realign. Regardless of the outcome, once an altar server, always an altar server