The TT Society of St Vincent de Paul (SVP) is in need of new mattresses for the clients of the Centre for Socially Displaced persons (CSDP), at Town Council Street, East Dry River, Port of Spain.
The SVP, which manages the Centre on behalf of the government, has been in discussion with the Ministry of Social Development and Family Services for provision of mattresses. However, in the interim, a public appeal has been made.
Cheridan Woodruffe, a member of the SVP national executive who is the SVP liaison with the Ministry and Office of the Prime Minister said there are more than 100 persons at the CSDP and 24 at C9— three females and 21 males. The latter, located on the ground floor of the CSDP, was opened April last year to assist homeless persons during the COVID-19 pandemic.
In an interview with the Catholic News Tuesday, January 26, Woodruffe said the SVP has been holding talks with an official from the ministry and the most recent update was that quotations were received for the mattresses.
He said the mattresses at the CSDP had to be changed and 100, 4×6 mattresses are needed with covers that can be cleaned. There have been no problems with managing the CSDP and C9 facilities; the Health Ministry guidelines were followed. He said in past months, job loss during the pandemic caused an increase of persons in need of temporary shelter. Family disputes and persons deported from overseas were other challenges contributing to the intake of persons.
Manager of the CSDP Roger Watson, on January 27, said several mattresses with cloth coverings had deteriorated and could not be cleaned. There were also beds which needed mattresses. He said the mattresses which were durable were those which had a leatherette cover that could be sanitised.
Anyone interested in assisting the SVP with new mattresses for its clients are advised to contact the Operations Manager Debra Letren, at the SVP Secretariat Duncan Street: 625-3562.